Family & Home
Family & Home
Family & Home
Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
Free, unbiased insurance counseling for Medicare-eligible individuals and their families.
ComEd Energy Assistance
Information on utility financial assistance
File a Public Utility Complaint
You can ask a question or file a utility complaint with the Commission
Lifeline and Link-Up Telephone Assistance Programs
Low-income consumers may qualify for assistance to help pay for installation of telephone service and monthly charges for local phone service
Illinois Electric Utility Choices
Learn about electric competition and how to choose a supplier
Fair Housing Charge of Discrimination
The Fair Housing Division of the Illinois Department of Human Rights ("the Department") investigates charges involving real estate transactions (housing) on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation (including gender-related identity), national origin, ancestry, age (40 and over), marital status, physical, mental and perceived disability, familial status (children under 18), pregnancy, military status, and unfavorable discharge from military service.
Fair Housing Education and Outreach
In addition to receiving and investigating complaints of discrimination in housing, the Fair Housing Division conducts presentations for government agencies and community-based groups regarding fair housing rights under the Illinois Human Rights Act, which can be modified to meet the specific needs of the agency or group.
Illinois Hospital Report Card
Consumers have a right to access information about the quality of health care provided in Illinois. The report card can help residents to become a more informed consumer and to make better health care choices. The public can access information on quality and safety data, nurse staffing, patient satisfaction and costs of services in hospitals and surgery centers.
Access State Benefits for Veterans
The State of Illinois is committed to making sure that their military heroes and families receive the benefits they rightfully deserve when they return home. In addition to the federal benefits available, Illinois has a number of its own benefits for the states veterans and family members.
Veterans Service Office Locator
Find the nearest Veteran Service Officer. Our VSO will assist you in navigating the complex web of services and benefits available to you and your family.
State Employees Group Insurance Program
Information about health, vision and dental insurance for state employees
Local Government Health Plan
Local Government Health Plan - Benefits information
Circuit Breaker License Plate Discount Refunds
The Benefit Access Program Request allows reimbursement for those who are participating in the Benefit Access program for reimbursement with regard to license plates and sticker renewal.
Find a Place to Rent provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs.
Rental Property Listing Registration
Property owners and managers, including Housing Authorities and private landlords, can use to manage their property listings free of charge. Property owners can register and manage their listings online or via phone and fax.
Moving Cost Calculator provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs.
Rent Calculator provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs.
File a Consumer Insurance Complaint
You can submit a complaint against a company or producer with DOI. Complaints are confidential records and will not be released to any person or organization except the policyholder, insured or enrollee who originated the complaint.
Save Money & Energy During The Winter
Ideas to save money and energy during the winter months
Report Workers Compensation Fraud
Workers Comp Fraud costs Illinois taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Please provide information in matters you'd like DOI to investigate where someone may be committing fraud.
Guardianship Volunteer Form
Office of State Guardian's (OSG) mission is to improve the quality of life for wards of OSG by empowering volunteers to provide companionship and to advocate for person-centered individualized services. Anyone interested in volunteering should complete the Office of the State Guardian Volunteer Form. Volunteers will commit to visit wards at least once a month for a minimum of one year and communicate with the State Guardian about their health, progress, and service needs through completing the OSG Ward Visit Form form. OSG will provide direction, training and resources to assist volunteers.
Probate Forms - Will County
Website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Will County. There is a link to Will County Forms. Please see below disclaimer.**
Probate Forms - Cook County
Various Probate Forms on the website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Please see below disclaimer.**
Probate Forms - DuPage County
Various Forms on the website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of DuPage County. Please see below disclaimer.**
Short Form Power of Attorney-Health Care
Advanced Directive: The State of Illinois recognizes the right of adults to control all aspects of his or her personal care and medical treatment, including the right to decline medical treatment or to direct that it be withdrawn, even if death ensues. This form can be used to designate agents to act on an individual's behalf in regard to health care matters if the individual becomes unable to do so. Please see below disclaimer.**
Short Form Power of Attorney-Property
Advanced Directive: The State of Illinois recognizes the right of adults to appoint an agent to make property decisions for them. This form can be used to designate agents to act on an individual's behalf if the individual becomes unable to do so. Please see below disclaimer.**
Guardianship Successor Petition
Form for a "Guardian of a Person" to Use. A petition and order are provided to assist in naming a successor guardian upon the death, resignation or removal of a guardian. Please see below disclaimer.**
Person with Disability Guardian Request
Various forms available on GAC site. This link includes the disclaimer for the forms.
Office of the State Guardian Ward Visit Form (for OSG Volunteer Visitors use only)
Office of State Guardian's (OSG) mission is to improve the quality of life for wards of OSG by empowering volunteers to provide companionship and to advocate for person-centered individualized services. Volunteers will commit to visit wards at least once a month for a minimum of one year and communicate with the State Guardian about their health, progress, and service needs through completing the OSG Ward Visit Form form. OSG will provide direction, training and resources to assist volunteers.
Human Rights Authority Volunteer Application
The Human Rights Authority is the division of the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission statutorily empowered to investigate alleged violations of the rights of persons with disabilities including persons with mental illness, cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities, and the aged disabled. There are nine Authorities, organized by geographic region, throughout the state. The Human Rights Authority is unique in its use of citizen volunteers to conduct these investigations and make corrective recommendations. As such, Regional Authorities are always seeking to fill vacancies as they occur as well as maintain a pool of potential volunteer members for times when the need arises.
Human Rights Authority Reports
This is a link to Human Rights Authorities published findings/reports of their investigations that are available for the public to review. The Human Rights Authority is the division of the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission statutorily empowered to investigate alleged violations of the rights of persons with disabilities including persons with mental illness, cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities, and the aged disabled.
Find Winning Lottery Numbers
Founded in 1974, the Illinois Lottery has contributed over $19 billion (since 1985) to the state’s Common School Fund to assist K-12 public schools, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars to the Capital Projects Fund and other special causes.
File a Property Tax Appeal
The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board is authorized by law to hear and adjudicate real property assessment disputes as follows: provide an informal forum for the hearing of contested appeals; Resolve appeals by issuing impartial decisions based upon equity and the manifest weight of the evidence; Establish clear, concise and accurate communications with the public; and maintain a work force that demonstrates the highest standards of knowledge, integrity, efficiency and performance.
Adult Protective Services
Responds to reports of alleged abuse of older adults and persons with disabilities who live in the community.
Senior Companion
Senior Companion agencies provide an array of assistive, supportive companionship services to frail seniors by utilizing volunteers, also age 60 or older, who have limited income.
Cash and Food Stamps Assistance (SNAP)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps) helps low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. The program is managed by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Department of Human Services administers the program in Illinois.
Disability Rehabilitation Services Application
Refer yourself or someone else for disability rehabilitation services
Become a Foster Parent
Thank you for your interest in becoming a licensed foster parent. This will be one of the most rewarding and loving experiences you will ever have. Being a foster parent has its challenges , and we promise we will be here every step of the way to support you and your new family member.
Adopt a Child
Thank you for your interest in becoming a licensed foster or adoptive parent for the State of Illinois. You have decided to make a significant contribution to aid a child away from home.
Illinois State Museums
Listing of museums at Illinois historic sites.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility Calculator
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps) helps low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. This tool will help you to determine if you are likely to receive SNAP.
The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP)
The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) serves and supports persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families through a coordinated network of providers, parents, and university programs.
Retired Teachers Account Access
Teachers’ Retirement System provides retirement, death and disability benefits for all licensed educators employed in Illinois public schools outside of the City of Chicago. Retirement benefits are determined by a formula in state law that includes age, final average salary at retirement and total creditable service time. At the end of fiscal year 2016, TRS had 406,855 members and processed more than $5.8 billion in benefits.
The State Treasurer is holding 2.5 billion dollars in unclaimed funds for Illinoisans. The State holds these lost funds until they are claimed by either the original owner or their heirs. Property is returned at no cost with the proper identification.
Physician Profile Search
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation’s mission is to utilize responsive, innovative, transparent, and efficient (R.I.T.E.) governance to create an ideal regulatory environment that (1) allows economic growth to flourish, and (2) effectively optimizes consumer choice.
Child Support Account Services
This site directs child support clients into their accounts, address problems related to mailing addresses and apply for services. It is a secured portal. Note: Individuals do not need to be a Department of Human Services client to receive child support services.
Child Support State Disbursement Unit Account Services
This site provides information about child support disbursements. It allows users to print forms, get answers to frequently asked questions, view payments history and more. This is a secured portal for users of the Illinois State Disbursement Unit System, which processes child support checks received from employers and non-custodial parents and disburses the funds via check, direct deposit or debit card to the receiving families.
View Child Support Payments
This site directs child support clients into their accounts, address problems related to mailing addresses and apply for services. It is a secured portal. Note: Individuals do not need to be a Department of Human Services client to receive child support services.
Ameren Energy Assistance
Consumer Services: Educate consumers on utility issues, help resolve customer/utility disputes Transportation: Oversees trucking insurance and registration, railroad safety, relocation and safety towing, household goods moving companies
Reduce Energy Usage & Cut Energy Costs
Information to assist with reducing energy usage
License Plate Discount & Ride Free Transit
Check your eligibility for discounted license plate renewals and/or free transit rides through the Benefit Access Program.
Illinois Community Services Search
The Illinois Department of Commerce administers several programs and services that are designed to strengthen Illinois communities, improve energy efficiency, build neighborhoods, and create opportunities.
Alzheimer's and Dementia Resources
Illinois Department on Aging, in partnership with the Area Agencies on Aging and their providers, provides home and community-based education, support, and resources to persons with dementia and their caregivers.
Find Assistance for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
IDoA and the Illinois Task Force on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren work to locate, assist, and promote awareness of grandparent-headed households. The program has established support groups; financial and technical assistance; and referral assistance.
Find Youth Services & Assistance
Find information for services and assistance available to youth, including youth who are in trouble with the law, life skill training, and pregnancy prevention.
Pregnancy & Parenting Assistance
Whether you are thinking about having children someday, are a mom-to-be, or already have children, find information and learn about programs that may help you as you navigate these important stages in your life.
Healthy Women Application Request
Health information and services provided by IDHS and other state agencies
Mental Health Medicaid Waiver 1915 c
Information and notifications for the Mental Health Medicaid Waiver 1915 c
Obtain Homelessness Prevention Assistance
The Homeless Prevention Program provides assistance and supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of eviction, foreclosure or homelessness or are currently homeless.
Obtain Help for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Services for individuals with developmental disabilities include day services, early intervention, in-home supports, residential living arrangements, and more. Learn more about available services and how to apply.
Developmental Disability Services
Search for county and statewide resources for individuals with developmental disabilities
Health Care Provider Complaint Form
DOI makes sure all insurance companies, HMOs, producers selling insurance in Illinois and other regulated entities obey state insurance laws. The Department provides consumer information and investigates complaints about companies and producers.
Food Assistance for Women, Infants, & Children (WIC)
WIC is a food assistance program for Women, Infants, and Children.
Access Quality, Affordable Child Care
Provides working families of low income with access to affordable, quality child care. IDHS also supports services for families looking for care including free referrals to child care providers and consumer education information.
Obtain Foreclosure Assistance
The Illinois Hardest Hit Fund® program provides mortgage assistance to homeowners who have experienced at least a 15 percent income reduction due to a qualifying hardship event and who meet the eligibility criteria.
Standby Guardian Form
Form for a "Guardian of a Person" to Use. The guardian of a disabled person may designate in any written document, including a will, a person qualified to be appointed as standby guardian or successor standby guardian of the person or estate, or both, of the disabled person. According to Section 11a-5, a standby guardian is someone who has been appointed by the court as the person who will act as guardian of the disabled person when the disabled person's guardian dies or is no longer willing or able to make and carry out day-to-day care decisions concerning the disabled person. Please see below disclaimer.**
Death of a Ward
Form for a "Guardian of Person Use". Guardianship terminates upon death of the ward. A petition to notify the court of the ward's death and close the guardianship case is attached. Please see below disclaimer.**
Annual Report on Ward
Form for a "Guardian of Person Use". A report form detailing the ward’s condition, living arrangement, and services provided should be filed annually with the court. The form may be attached to the most recent care plan. Please see below disclaimer.**
Short-term Guardian Form
Form for a "Guardian of a Person" to Use. The guardian of a disabled person may appoint in writing, without court approval, a short-term guardian of the disabled person to take over the guardian's duties, to the extent provided in Section 11a-18.3, each time the guardian is unavailable or unable to carry out those duties. A short-term guardian appointed by the guardian shall have authority to act as guardian of the disabled person for a cumulative total of 60 days during any 12 month period. Please see below disclaimer.**
Declaration for Mental Health Treatment
This is an advance directive. An adult of sound mind may put into writing his or her preferences regarding future mental health treatment. The preferences may include consent or refusal of mental health treatment and may be stated on the forms provided. Please see below disclaimer.**
Placement Petition
Form for a "Guardian of a Person" to Use. A Petition and draft order are provided to facilitate placement of a ward in a residential facility. Please see below disclaimer.**
State Employees Pension Calculators
SERS: SERS is a $15.6 billion public employee retirement system, serving over 158,000 members and beneficiaries of the states’ agencies and boards. SERS oversees efficient administration of retirement, disability, survivors’, death, and refund benefits payable to its members and beneficiaries. SERS also manages the retirement accounts of over 60,000 actively contributing employees by ensuring that such contributions are accurately accounted for. SURS: SURS administers disability, retirement, and survivor benefits for university and community college employees. Notify SURS when preparing for retirement, returning to work, or experiencing a life event (birth, marriage, civil union, divorce, death).
Community Care Program (CCP)
Provides in-home care and community-based services to older adults who cannot live independently.
Find Assistance in My Home & Community for Seniors
CCP is a major initiative to prevent the unnecessary institutionalization of older adults in Illinois, ages 60+ who have difficulty with household and personal care tasks. Services include in-home, adult day and emergency home response.
Disability Complaint Form
The Human Rights Authority (HRA) assures confidentiality to the extent possible under the conditions of an investigation of rights violations. Please list in detail your complaint or complaints. If you have more than one complaint, please list them numerically. Completion of this complaint form is not a requirement of a complaint to be investigated; however, the information that you provide will assist the HRA during the review of potential case acceptance.
The HRA investigates rights violations against individuals with disabilities by disability service providers. The criteria for the HRA to investigate a complaint are that the individual must have a disability, the entity committing the alleged violation must be a disability service provider and the complaint must be a disability rights violation. Disability service providers include; behavior health units, hospitals, nursing homes, and CILAs to name a few. The HRA does not provide legal services.