Executive Order Number 02-06 (PDF, 147 KB)

WHEREAS, pursuant to Executive Orders No. 2 (2001) and No. 6 (2000), I created, respectively, both the Illinois Energy Cabinet and the Green Illinois Government Coordinating Council to help the State of Illinois create a sound energy policy designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts of state facilities and operations;
WHEREAS, the Green Illinois Government Coordinating Council, in conjunction with the Energy Cabinet, has compiled information on the purchase of renewable energy which will support the Illinois Energy Policy as well as enhance the State's energy future by diversifying the mix of energy sources and producing environmental improvement;
WHEREAS, newly deregulated markets for electricity in the United States are providing energy companies, consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses with opportunities to stimulate emerging markets for renewable energy;
WHEREAS, the use of renewable energy provides a number of benefits, including but not limited to: increased energy diversity and security, reduction in air emissions and greenhouse gases, economic development opportunities and on-site power generation;
WHEREAS, State government is a major consumer of energy, and state investments in renewable energy resources will help provide stable long-term markets and reduce the manufacturing costs of promising new technologies;
WHEREAS, Illinois passed the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Coal Resources Development Law of 1997 to develop programs to promote the use of renewable energy resources and diversify the State's energy portfolio;
WHEREAS, the Illinois Resource Development and Energy Security Act, states that renewable forms of energy should be promoted as an important element of the energy and environmental policies of the State and that it is a goal of the State that at least 5 percent of the State's energy production and use be derived from renewable forms of energy by 2010 and at least 15 percent from renewable forms of energy by 2020; and
WHEREAS, State government should assume a leadership role in renewable energy development by helping meet critical national fuel diversity, energy security, environmental and economic goals.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, George H. Ryan, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby order as follows:
- Purchase of Energy from Renewable Sources
Executive state agencies with responsibility for purchasing energy shall investigate policies and programs to incrementally increase their purchase of energy from renewable energy resources. The Department of Central Management Services and affected executive state agencies, taking into account costs and price competitiveness, shall also work together to purchase sufficient quantities of energy from renewable energy resources so that at least 5 percent of the overall annual electricity requirements of buildings owned or operated by executive state agencies will be met through renewable energy resources by 2010, increasing to at least 15 percent by 2020.
- Definitions
As used in this executive order, "renewable energy resources" includes energy from wind, solar thermal, photovoltaic cells and panels, dedicated crops grown for energy production, organic waste biomass, hydropower that does not involve new construction or significant expansion of hydropower dams, and other such alternative sources of environmentally preferable energy. "Renewable energy resources" does not include, however, energy from the incineration, burning or heating of waste wood; tires; garbage; general household, institutional and commercial waste; industrial lunchroom or office waste; landscape waste; or construction and demolition debris.
- Effective Date
This order shall be effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
- Termination Date
This order shall remain in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.
George H. Ryan
Issued by Governor: April 22, 2002
Filed with Secretary of State: April 22, 2002