Executive Order Number 05-17

WHEREAS, Illinois is in the midst of a public health and safety crisis caused by the opioid epidemic and characterized by an alarming rate of opioid overdose deaths; and WHEREAS, opioid overdoses have recently claimed the lives of far too many Illinois residents; and
WHEREAS, opioid overdoses are expected to kill more than 1,900 people in the state of Illinois in 2017, more than one and a half times the number of homicides and nearly twice the number of fatal motor vehicle accidents; and
WHEREAS, opioid overdoses can be prevented and lives can be saved; and
WHEREAS, we recognize that substance use disorder is a disease, that individuals with substance use disorder come from diverse backgrounds and live in every part of our State, and furthermore, that recovery from substance use disorder is possible; and
WHEREAS, the toll that substance use disorder takes on individuals, families, friends, and communities must drive us to do all that we can to reduce its impact and help Illinois residents lead healthy, successful, and productive lives; and
WHEREAS, we must come together to build on the existing work and successful initiatives of State agencies, stakeholder coalitions, and community partners to contain the opioid epidemic; and
WHEREAS, Illinois needs a comprehensive plan to address opioid misuse and reduce overdose deaths in the State; and
WHEREAS, Illinois State agencies have different expertise, capabilities, and data that, when shared, can better inform a coordinated statewide response to the opioid overdose epidemic;
THEREFORE, I, Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, by virtue of the executive authority vested in me by Section 8 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, do hereby order as follows:
There is hereby established the Governor's Opioid Prevention and Intervention Task Force ("Task Force").
The purpose of the Task Force shall be to develop, approve, and implement a comprehensive Opioid Action Plan to: (1) prevent the further spread of the opioid crisis; (2) treat and promote the recovery of individuals with opioid use disorder; and (3) respond effectively to avert opioid overdose deaths. The Task Force shall set a statewide goal for the Opioid Action Plan and formulate a set of evidence-based strategies in furtherance of this overall goal. The Task Force shall also coordinate with the Illinois Opioid Crisis Response Advisory Council and other key stakeholders to formulate a detailed implementation plan, including specific activities and metrics, for the execution of the strategies set forth in the Opioid Action Plan.
The Task Force shall:
- Draft a comprehensive Opioid Action Plan to identify strategies to prevent the further spread of the opioid crisis, treat and promote the recovery of individuals with opioid use disorder, and respond effectively to avert opioid overdose deaths.
- Review best practices for increasing provider use of the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program.
- Collaborate with providers to develop education and guidelines that reduce high-risk opioid prescribing.
- Coordinate with the appropriate State agencies to make information and resources about the opioid epidemic more accessible to the public.
- Explore opportunities to increase the impact of prevention programming in schools and communities.
- Explore the means for strengthening data collection, sharing, and analysis with respect to statewide patterns of opioid use and overdose so as to better identify opportunities for intervention.
- Work with other State agencies, boards, commissions, and task forces to expand access to care for individuals with opioid use disorder.
- Identify best practices for decreasing the number of overdose deaths immediately after an at-risk individual's release from an institutional facility.
- Collaborate with law enforcement agencies, public safety personnel, and community organizations to increase the number of first responders and community members who have access to and are trained to administer the opioid overdose reversal medication naloxone.
- Seek opportunities to increase the capacity of deflection and diversion programs statewide for individuals involved with the justice system who are suffering from substance use disorder.
The Task Force shall work in conjunction with State agencies to establish the following policies and programs no later than ninety (90) days after the effective date of this order:
- Collaborate with the Illinois Department of Public Health to issue a standing order for naloxone to increase its availability and accessibility statewide
- Collaborate with the Illinois Department of Public Health to compile and release a comprehensive data report regarding opioid overdoses, overdose fatalities, and other opioid-related epidemiological data statewide
- Coordinate with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to establish opioid prescribing guidelines
- Collaborate with the Illinois Department of Human Services to establish a 24-hour crisis line for Illinoisans dealing with the effects of opioid use disorder
- Create interagency data use agreements to promote such data sharing and analysis as necessary to support more effective and efficient public health and public safety responses to the opioid epidemic
- Coordinate with State and federal law enforcement agencies and organizations to establish and expand diversion and deflection programs for individuals with substance use disorder who are involved with the justice system
- Coordinate with the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois State Police, and the Illinois Department of Human Services to establish a statewide mechanism for tracking and mapping patterns of opioid use and overdose in real-time to identify and anticipate opportunities for intervention
- The Task Force shall consist of the heads of the following agencies or their designee and such other executive branch agencies as the Governor may designate:
- Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois
- Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
- Illinois Department of Public Health
- Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
- Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice
- Illinois State Police
- Illinois Department of Insurance
- Illinois Department of Corrections
- Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
- Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
- The Lieutenant Governor of Illinois and the Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Task Force.
- The Illinois Department of Public Health shall provide administrative support to the Task Force, including but not limited to, providing an Ethics Officer to the Task Force, responding to Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the Task Force, and assisting the Task Force in complying with State ethics laws.
- Other State agencies may be asked to participate at the invitation of the Task Force.
- The Task Force shall solicit stakeholder feedback and recommendations.
- The Task Force may adopt whatever policies and procedures necessary to carry out its duties and functions.
- The Task Force shall consist of the heads of the following agencies or their designee and such other executive branch agencies as the Governor may designate:
This Executive Order does not contravene, and shall not be construed to contravene, any federal law, state statute, or collective bargaining agreement.
This Executive Order supersedes any contrary provision of any other prior Executive Order.
The Task Force shall be dissolved on September 30, 2020, subject to renewal by a succeeding Executive Order.
If any part of this Executive Order is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Executive Order are severable.
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
Bruce Rauner, Governor
Issued by Governor: September 6, 2017
Filed with Secretary of State: September 6, 2017