Executive Order Number 02-05 (PDF, 129 KB)

WHEREAS, The protection of the surface waters of the State of Illinois is inextricably connected to the protection of groundwater as a common resource for water needs; and
WHEREAS, The quantity of surface water and groundwater in Illinois must be properly assessed as an essential part of water resources management for the citizens of the State; and
WHEREAS, The citizens of Illinois rely on surface water and groundwater for personal consumption, and industries of the State use a significant amount of that water; and
WHEREAS, The demand on Illinois' water resources may lead to conflicts among multiple users, may adversely affect the health of the State's citizens, and may adversely impact the environment and the economy of the State; and
WHEREAS, Planning for the protection and management of adequate supplies of Illinois' water resources is an essential necessity for the future generations of citizens, industry, and wildlife of the State;
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, That the following action shall be executed:
- Under Section 4 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act, 415ILCS 55/4, the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Groundwater shall designate a subcommittee to develop an integrated groundwater and surface-water resources agenda and assessment report. The report shall analyze the burdens on Illinois' finite water-resources, quantify Illinois' water-resources, and prioritize an agenda to plan for the protection of these water-resources. The subcommittee shall be chaired by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources or the Director's designee. The subcommittee's agenda and report shall be considered by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Groundwater and shall also be considered by the Groundwater Advisory Council created under Section 5 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act, 415 ILCS 55/5. The Interagency Coordinating Committee on Groundwater and the Groundwater Advisory Council shall use the subcommittee's agenda and report to establish a water-quantity planning procedure for the State by implementing the following programs:
- A coordinated groundwater and surface-water resource program with information that is accessible and usable by governmental agencies and the public to support the State's water-resources quantity programs.
- A statewide groundwater and surface-water resource program to serve as the basis for the formation of priority water-quantity planning areas.
- A statewide program for the identification and recommendation of the appropriate organizational structure for priority water-quantity planning areas.
- Before January 1st of each calendar year, the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Groundwater shall report to the Governor on the progress of the assessments and programs mandated by this Executive Order.
- This Executive Order is effective upon the date filed with the Secretary of State.
Issued by Governor: April 22, 2002
Filed with Secretary of State: April 22, 2002