Executive Order Number 05-04 (PDF, 27 KB)

WHEREAS, Illinois is proud to be the host of five outstanding military installations: Scott Air Force Base, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, the Rock Island Arsenal, and the Springfield and Peoria Air National Guard Bases; and
WHEREAS, since their inception, Illinois military installations have played a significant role in our nation’s security; and
WHEREAS, Illinois military installations contribute significantly to the economic well-being of our State as a whole, all of its respective regions, and all the cities, counties, and other local governments within the State; and
WHEREAS, Illinois has invested vast amounts of land, labor, and capital in the infrastructure to support its military installations; and
WHEREAS, Illinois military installations have also made a significant contribution to the scientific and technical resources of our State; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Defense has announced a Base Realignment and Closure round in 2005; and
WHEREAS, "Military Value" will be the main criteria by which our military installations are evaluated, and
WHEREAS, Military Value includes "the availability and condition of land, facilities and associated airspace (including training areas suitable for maneuver by ground, naval, or air forces throughout a diversity of climate and terrain areas);" and
WHEREAS, land-use planning by State agencies and all relevant local governments in coordination with our military installations can assist in preserving available land for military readiness, and otherwise enhance the overall Military Value of Illinois’ military installations;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Rod Blagojevich, Governor of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Illinois do hereby order:
- All appropriate and relevant State agencies involved with land use planning to ensure development that is compatible with or enhances the Military Value of Illinois’ military installations;
- Further, I encourage all local governments that adopt land-use plans and enforce zoning regulations to ensure that planned development is compatible with or enhances the Military Value of military installations, and that they consider the impact of new growth on Military Value when preparing zoning ordinances or designating land uses for land adjacent to military facilities or other parcels of land which are in proximity to military installations.
THIS ORDER supersedes any other previous orders, proclamations, or directives in conflict. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect until such time as the Governor rescinds it.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: April 5, 2005
Filed with Secretary of State: April 5, 2005