Executive Order Number 05-02 (PDF, 25 KB)

WHEREAS, there exists, by previous Order, a Green Illinois Government Coordinating Council;
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Green Illinois Government Coordinating Council is to incorporate pollution prevention and resource conservation practices into government management and operations;
WHEREAS, the State should be a model for the responsible stewardship of our environment;
WHEREAS, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor is charged with leadership in the responsible stewardship of our environment, including the Lieutenant Governor’s role as Chairman of the Special Task Force on the Condition and Future of the Illinois Energy Infrastructure, Chairman of the Illinois River Coordinating Council, and Chairman of the Illinois delegation of the bi-national Great Lakes Commission;
THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by Article V, Section 11 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, I hereby order the following:
- From the effective date of this order, the Lieutenant Governor shall be chair of the Green Illinois Government Coordinating Council (“the Council”).
- The Office of the Lieutenant Governor shall provide administrative support to the Council.
- The Directors of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Central Management Services shall no longer share the responsibility of chairing the Council, but shall remain as members of the Council.
This order shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: __________, 2005
Filed with Secretary of State: __________, 2005