Executive Order Number 15-16 (PDF, 173 KB)

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 2003-01, issued by Governor Rod Blagojevich, purported to freeze hiring and promotion of State employees under the jurisdiction of the Governor "without the express written permission of [his] office after submission of appropriate requests to [his] office"; and
WHEREAS, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget ("GOMB") subsequently initiated the Electronic Personnel Action Request ("EPAR") system, whereby State agencies were required to submit and receive EPAR approvals to hire an employee or officer, fill any vacancy, create any new position of employment, promote or transfer any employee or officer to any position, modify compensation, or enter into a personal services contract; and
WHEREAS, a review of the EP AR system by the Office of the Governor, GOMB, and the Department of Central Management Services ("CMS") has concluded that the EP AR system is unduly cumbersome, is redundant to the personnel authority granted to State agencies through the approval of agency budgets and headcounts, and adds months to the hiring and promotion process; and
WHEREAS, independent investigations, including by the Special Master appointed to review alleged hiring abuses at the Department of Transportation, have found that requiring approval of particular personnel decisions for Rutan-covered positions contributed to the unlawful and unethical patronage practices in prior administrations;
THEREFORE, I, Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, by virtue of the executive authority vested in me by Section 8 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, do hereby order as follows:
- Executive Order Number 2003-01 is revoked and rescinded. GOMB is authorized to replace, modify, of terminate the EPAR system. The Director of CCCCCMS and the Director of GOMB shall continue to provide guidance to State agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor to ensure compliance with State agency headcount and budget authority and with all laws and regulations applicable to personnel hiring and promotion.
- No agency, authority, board, commission, department, officer, or other instrumentality of the Executive Branch of State government shall enter into an employment contract or personal services contract with any person that does not permit the State contracting party to terminate the contract without cause and without penalty, except with prior approval by CMS. This Section 2 does not apply to the office of the Attorney General, Comptroller, Secretary of State, or Treasurer, to any agency under the jurisdiction of any such office, or to a State university.
- This Executive Order supersedes any contrary provision of any prior Executive Order, including without limitation the third paragraph of Section I under "Enforcement" of Executive Order No. 2010-10 and Section VI of Executive Order 2015-09.
- This Executive Order does not contravene and shall not be construed to contravene any State or federal law or any collective bargaining agreement.
- This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Bruce Rauner, Governor
Issued by Governor: July 16, 2015
Filed with Secretary of State: July 16, 2015