Executive Order Number 03-16 (PDF, 94 KB)

WHEREAS, the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and the recent Washington, D.C. serial sniper incidents underscore the need to link justice information systems to close loopholes that allow dangerous criminals to move about without fear; and
WHEREAS, providing justice decision makers the right information at the right place and at the right time results in better decisions which improves public safety and results in the efficient use of public resources; and
WHEREAS, in light of the need to share critical subject information for protecting citizens from a terrorist attack and ensuring public safety, Illinois government officials must safeguard individual privacy interests and prevent unauthorized disclosures of information; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System Governing Board have completed their strategic planning mission, have reported to the Governor and the General Assembly, and have created a plan for the implementation of an integrated justice information system for the state of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, an Implementation Body must be created to implement the strategic plan of the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System Governing Board, to set goals and objectives for integrated justice information systems, to foster communication and collaboration with justice stakeholders, to coordinate the funding of integration efforts by identifying available resources among national, state, and local participants to promote collaboration and minimize duplication of efforts, and to maintain public accountability of the justice system; and
WHEREAS, the primary obstacle to electronic information sharing between justice agencies is the lack of standards for information exchange, Illinois must adopt and build upon standards that have been developed at the national level to facilitate information sharing between disparate justice systems at national, state, and local levels.
THEREFORE, I, Rod Blagojevich, hereby order the following:
There is hereby created within the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority an Illinois Integrated Justice Information System Implementation Board ("the Implementation Board"), consisting of 23 members, which shall independently exercise its powers, duties, and responsibilities.
- The Attorney General or his or her designee;
- The Secretary of State or his or her designee;
- The Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority;
- The Director of the Illinois State Police;
- The Director of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services;
- The Director of the Illinois Department of Corrections;
- The Director of Technology in the Governor's Office
- The Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department;
- The Cook County State's Attorney;
- The Cook County Sheriff;
- The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County
- The Cook County Chief Information Officer;
- The Cook County Public Defender;
- A member of the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission appointed by the Chair of the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois Sheriffs' Association;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois State's Attorneys Association;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois Association of Court Clerks;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois Probation and Court Services Association;
- A representative appointed by the Illinois Public Defender Association;
- A member of a county board other than Cook County appointed by the Governor;
- A mayor, president, or manager of an Illinois municipality appointed by the Governor;
- Two members of the general public appointed by the Governor. The Implementation Board may allow members identified in sections (d) through (m) above to appoint a designee to serve in his or her place as voting members of the Implementation Board.
The Supreme Court may appoint two non-voting members to serve as liaisons to the Implementation Board from the Illinois Judicial Branch. Additionally, the Implementation Board shall actively and continuously seek the input, assistance and participation of other departments, agencies, boards and commissions, units of government, private organizations, and public interest groups as necessary as appropriate.
From its membership, the Implementation Board shall elect a chair with the authority to create ad hoc committees to assist in the completion of this order.
Members of the Implementation Board shall serve without compensation. All members shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their duties.
- To promote the integration of justice information systems in Illinois;
- To coordinate the development, adoption and implementation of plans and strategies for sharing justice information;
- To coordinate the development of systems that enhance integration;
- To establish standards to facilitate the electronic sharing of justice information;
- To promulgate policies that protect individuals' privacy rights related to the sharing of justice information;
- To apply for, solicit, receive, establish priorities for, allocate, disburse, grant, contract for, and administer funds from any source to effectuate the purposes of the executive order;
- To promulgate rules or regulations as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this executive order;
- To report annually, on or before April 1st of each year to the Governor and the General Assembly, on the Implementation Board's activities in the preceding fiscal year; and
- To exercise any other powers that are necessary and proper to fulfill the duties, responsibilities, and purposes of this executive order and to comply with the requirements of applicable federal or state laws or regulations.
This Order shall be in full force and effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: __________, 2003
Filed with Secretary of State: __________, 2003