Executive Order Number 13-18

WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is home to one of the most robust and significant transportation networks in the nation and is continuously improving its safety, reliability, and efficiency; and
WHEREAS, rapidly advancing connected and automated technologies in passenger and freight vehicles, as well as supporting infrastructure and data, can profoundly improve Illinois residents’ lives and communities; and
WHEREAS, connected technology enables vehicles to exchange information externally by means of wireless communication, and automated technology allows vehicles themselves to perform all functions necessary to operate; and
WHEREAS, Illinois law currently allows connected and automated vehicles to operate on Illinois roads with a licensed driver in control of the driving task; and
WHEREAS, a recent amendment to the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-208(e-5), gives the State sole authority to govern automated vehicles’ operation on Illinois roads; and
WHEREAS, the development of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technologies and supporting infrastructure will facilitate life-saving long-term roadway safety solutions; and
WHEREAS, accidents on Illinois roads killed more than 1,000 people in each of the last two years; and,WHEREAS, human error is a major factor in 94 percent of all fatal crashes; and
WHEREAS, Illinois can significantly reduce fatal and non-fatal crashes on its roads by reducing opportunities for human error; and
WHEREAS, reduction in human error has already been achieved through advanced driver assistance technologies, including blind spot detection technology that notifies a driver of a vehicle in the blind spot and lane departure warning systems that warn the driver if the vehicle is leaving its lane; and
WHEREAS, development and use of more CAV technologies can further reduce human error while increasing environmentally sustainable, alternative fuel usage and providing convenient, affordable transportation for underserved communities and mobility-impaired individuals such as disabled and elderly people; and
WHEREAS, Illinois – as the nation’s freight hub – in partnership with private industry, provides an unparalleled platform to develop and deploy CAV technologies across transportation modes, particularly as these technologies relate to efficient movement of goods; and
WHEREAS, Illinois’ first-class higher-education system includes world-renowned research facilities that foster a mission to lead in innovation; and WHEREAS, State relationships with private industry, universities, national labs, and other public transportation entities will stimulate research to facilitate application of life-saving CAV technologies and accelerate the development of fully automated vehicles; and
WHEREAS, realizing CAV systems’ full benefits requires sustained coordination and collaboration between public agencies, private industry, non-profit organizations, and the public; and
WHEREAS, federal, state, and local transportation entities must continue to prioritize innovative programs that promote CAV technological advancement, remove barriers to introduction, invite increased economic activity, and examine changing workforce needs to prepare for new employment opportunities
THEREFORE, I, Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, by virtue of the executive authority vested in me by Section 8 of the Article V of the Constitution of State of Illinois, do hereby order as follows:
- Interagency Coordination to Launch and Support Autonomous Illinois Initiative
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), shall lead the “Autonomous Illinois” initiative to promote the development, testing, and deployment of CAV technologies and related infrastructure and data needs within Illinois. To achieve the goals of this initiative, IDOT shall partner with other state agencies to take the following steps, among others:
- Review CAV research, pilot projects, and Federal, state, and international action to identify best practices regarding: vehicle testing, technology deployment, law enforcement collaboration, insurance coverage, liability determinations, data-sharing arrangements, privacy issues, and infrastructure needs;
- Evaluate and address current laws and regulations that may impede safe CAV and related infrastructure testing, deployment, and operation;
- Whenever appropriate, inform Illinois agencies, partner entities, and the public about the work of Autonomous Illinois and its findings;
- Pursue opportunities to make Illinois a leader in the safe and efficient movement of goods and people by means of connected and automated transportation;
- Collaborate with industry experts on the latest developments in CAV systems, cybersecurity, network infrastructure, Internet of Things applications, and other innovative areas;
- Work with state agencies, local municipalities, universities, private industry, and other stakeholders to strengthen the responsible and anonymized collection, sharing, and analysis of CAV-generated data to enhance planning, operations, and maintenance throughout the state;
- Work with state agencies, private industry, advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, local communities, and other stakeholders to identify areas of interest and potential pilot projects, especially relating to improved safety and mobility for the elderly, disabled, and underserved populations;
- Develop and implement a plan to address changing education and workforce training needs relating to CAV technology development;
- Identify economic development opportunities to foster a pro-growth business environment that invites job creation;
- Identify public-private partnership opportunities to increase efficiency in our transportation network and to seek savings for taxpayers; and
- Maintain an easily accessible website to provide updates on the Autonomous Illinois initiative and other educational resources for the public and interested stakeholders.
- Review CAV research, pilot projects, and Federal, state, and international action to identify best practices regarding: vehicle testing, technology deployment, law enforcement collaboration, insurance coverage, liability determinations, data-sharing arrangements, privacy issues, and infrastructure needs;
- Creation of the Autonomous Illinois Testing Program
The Autonomous Illinois Testing Program (the Program), which IDOT will administer, is hereby established with the goal of encouraging partnership between the State and entities developing CAV technology and related infrastructure. The Program will facilitate legal testing and programs on public roads or highways in the State, where a licensed driver remains behind the wheel and able to take control of the vehicle at all times. Under the Program, IDOT will collect and maintain up-to-date information on the CAV landscape in Illinois to promote sound public policy that fosters innovation and benefits the State and the public.
Voluntary participants in the Program shall operate under the below terms and conditions:
- For the purposes of this Executive Order, the following definitions apply:
- “CAVs” can mean either “automated vehicle(s)” or “connected vehicle(s)”.
- “Automated vehicle(s)” means those vehicles equipped with hardware and software that are collectively capable of performing all the real-time operational and tactical functions required to operate a vehicle under the conditions for which the hardware and software were designed.
- “Connected vehicle(s)” means those vehicles that use wireless communication to communicate and exchange information with other vehicles, infrastructure, other devices outside the vehicle, and external networks.
- “CAVs” can mean either “automated vehicle(s)” or “connected vehicle(s)”.
- IDOT shall create a registration system with the State for entities wishing to conduct safe pilots or tests of CAVs. IDOT shall create and make accessible a notification form that participants shall complete and file each calendar year with IDOT. IDOT shall have authority to revise the form as new technology and circumstances necessitate. The current form shall require a participating entity to annually provide the following information, in addition to any other requirements established by IDOT:
- Name and business address of the entity intending to test CAV technology;
- Identification information about the vehicle(s) to be used in testing, including make(s), model(s), and license plate number(s);
- Name(s), driver’s license number, state of issuance and contact information of any designated operator the entity authorizes to operate a CAV during testing;
- Summary of the training completed by vehicle operators;
- Name(s) of the municipalities or other areas of the state where the entity intends to test CAVs;
- For the testing program’s duration, a driver properly licensed to operate the vehicle will occupy the driver’s seat and remain able to assume control of the vehicle when required;
- For the testing program’s duration, only trained employee(s), contractor(s), or other persons authorized by the entity developing CAV technology will operate or monitor all vehicles;
- Each vehicle the entity tests complies with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations, except to the extent exempted under applicable Federal laws, and can comply with all state traffic and safety laws; and
- Each vehicle is covered by motor vehicle insurance or other type of financial responsibility as required by law.
- Name and business address of the entity intending to test CAV technology;
- IDOT shall make the notification form for testing entities available on the Autonomous Illinois Initiative’s website. Participating entities may implement legal testing programs under the Program immediately after providing notification to IDOT and shall observe the requirements listed in this Executive Order.
- IDOT shall, upon request from entities interested in testing, help identify appropriate communities to conduct testing. IDOT may promote via the Autonomous Illinois Initiative’s website any community, public agency, or academic institution’s interest in hosting or facilitating certain types of CAV testing to partner private entities with communities seeking to benefit from CAV innovations.
- IDOT shall file with the Governor a report on the status of the Program on or before every December 31 and June 30 until the Program is discontinued. The reports shall include, at a minimum, the number of participating registrants, the dispersion of testing across the State, and any obstacles that have delayed or might delay achieving the goals of the Program. The reports may also include applicable analytics and any proposed laws, policies, or rules that might benefit the Program and advance further development and use of CAV technologies in Illinois.
IDOT retains the authority to suspend an entity’s participation in the Program if there is clear evidence that the technology used by a particular vehicle or tested by a particular entity is unsafe for testing on public roads or violates the terms of the Program. Before a suspended entity is allowed to resume participation in the Program, it must demonstrate to IDOT that the technology will comply with Program requirements. - For the purposes of this Executive Order, the following definitions apply:
- Savings Clause
This Executive Order does not contravene, and shall not be construed to contravene, any federal law, state statute, or collective bargaining agreement. - Prior Executive Orders
This Executive Order supersedes any contrary provision of any other prior Executive Order. - Severability Clause
If any part of this Executive Order is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Executive Order are severable. - VI. Effective Date
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Bruce Rauner, Governor
Issued by Governor: October 25, 2018
Filed with Secretary of State: October 25, 2018