Executive Order Number 06-10 (PDF, 27 KB)

WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is committed to investing in Illinois children, parents and families in order to promote the success of Illinois students; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois recognizes the key role parents play in student achievement; and
WHEREAS, students whose parents are involved in their education have better school attendance, earn higher grades and test scores, and have greater long-term success following high school graduation; and
WHEREAS, high achieving schools involve parents in decision-making and student learning and promote communication between parents, students and teachers; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois State Board of Education promotes parental involvement in education; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois State Board of Education administers the Parental Involvement Pilot Project to make grants available to Illinois school districts to encourage parental participation; and
WHEREAS, continued support for parental participation requires cooperation and collaboration among parents, State and local education officials;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Rod Blagojevich, Governor of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Illinois, do hereby order:
- Creation of the Illinois Parent Leadership Council
- There is created the Illinois Parent Leadership Council (“the Council”). The purpose of the Council is to serve as an advisory body to the Illinois State Board of Education and Office of the Governor as well as to serve in a leadership capacity, setting examples for Illinois parents and educators on the importance of parental involvement in education.
- The Council shall consist of at least thirteen individuals appointed by the Governor. Appointees to the Council shall represent parents or guardians of children currently enrolled in Illinois schools, and educators and community leaders with experience in local parental involvement projects.
- Appointments to the Council shall represent different geographic areas of the State, which shall include:
- Four members representing Cook County , at least one of whom shall represent Suburban Cook County;
- Three members representing Kane, Lake, DuPage, Will, and McHenry Counties;
- Six members representing counties outside of Cook, Kane, Lake, DuPage, Will, and McHenry Counties.
- Members of the Council will be appointed for 3-year terms, except for an appointment to fill an unexpired term, in which event the appointment shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.
- The Council shall select a chairperson.
- The Council shall meet at least quarterly, and the chairperson and Illinois State Board of Education may convene the Council at any time.
- A vacancy in the membership of the Council shall not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the Council. A majority of Council members then appointed constitutes a quorum. A majority vote of the quorum is required for a Council decision.
- The State Superintendent of Education or his or her designee shall serve without voting rights as Secretary to the Council. The Illinois State Board of Education shall provide necessary staff assistance to the Council.
- Duties of the Illinois Parent Leadership Council
- To identify best practices in parent involvement at schools within Illinois, as well as other states, and to develop recommendations addressing how those practices can be adopted and implemented in Illinois schools.
- To provide assistance and advice to the Illinois State Board of Education on parent involvement in Illinois schools and its impact on student achievement, communication and partnerships with community and other groups, and school family involvement policies.
- To make recommendations to the Illinois State Board of Education on State resources and materials that could promote and improve parental participation in Illinois schools.
- To submit an Annual Report to the Illinois State Board of Education and Office of the Governor detailing their findings and recommending action items for implementation.
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: September 29, 2006
Filed with Secretary of State: September 29, 2006